

Finding better information elsewhere, the virtually-connected community will restructure their physical gatherings to really connect and be present with each other – like they do on-line all week long. When this happens, pastors can step off the stage and be released to really pastor. Gifted teachers (who may or may not have pastoral gifts) can teach in smaller groups where true interactivity can take place. Intimate, organic F2F gathering becomes the central focus, not a mid-week breakout session.


About dannywahlquist

I'm Danny Wahlquist and my interests include: bacnet,baptist,blog,christian,church,danny,development,docbook,genealogy,immanuel,Jesus,localization,niagara,pictures,tridium,and web. My genealogy research includes Borum,Brewer,Brown,Calhoun,Eads,Garnett,Graham,Kelly,Lawson,Melton,Nelson,Reisner,Sanderson,Shelton,Wahlquist.
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